E-Learning examination question
Online list of questions in preparation for the theoretical test for the Paragliding A-Licence (IPPI Level 4).
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Compared to the printed version the online version of the examination question has following advantages: modifications can be taken quickly, e.g. because of amendments or changes in civil air law. So optimised and updated learning is offered (by the online learning plattform)
The subject areas are divided into blocks of 15 questions each and the learner receives feedback on his result immediately. One tool records wrong answers which can be focused on separately. As possible answers are mixed every time, learning questions in a special order by heart will be avoided.
To be able to use the e-learning plattform a connection to the internet is needed.
Questions can also be printed on paper. PDF´s can be generated in two versions, with and without solutions. Data is always current and reflects any amendments or changes made in the questions database immediately.
If you want to get an account you will receive your access code. Every account is available only for the registered customer and from the first login for a period of eighteen months.
Right of withdrawal for e-learning access data. Please note that the right of withdrawal expires prematurely if you have used the access data. Even with a one-time login, the right of withdrawal expires.